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I love this game. I wonder if there will be a third eventually.

(3 edits)

Beautiful sequel! can't wait to see the man from the window coming for Audrey when she's as big as mama rabbit, if you know what I mean. Keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

I really enjoy this exciting and scary plot of "The Man From The Window" .  It would be possibly be a fantastic idea to have other languages too depending on popular demands!


I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!

another Zed Special :) xx

Thank you very much for playing.  :)

click this if you love men

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

I did really enjoy this one. I love the fact that Junior now is a n adult with a kid. Nice touch! Great story line and graphics. Hopefully we will see part 3. Cheers! 


Thank you so much!  :)
I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the game, and thanks for playing.

Stolen thumbnail art isn't cool! I can clearly tell you just used 8BitRayn's thumbnail he made for his video! All you did was zoom in & slap on your webcam shot. 
Shame on you!


bro got greedy

Kubz scouts is kinda, getting better at this game.

Amazing game love the concept 

Thank you!


Is there any way you could release this on Steam? I'd like to buy it but I'm not American so buying games through is a massive pain in the ass


I apologize, but for right now I'd like to stay exclusively here on Itch.
Again, apologies that you're unable to play because of this.


Now the community will be divided by the ones that go "LMAO IT'S JUST $1 YOU CHEAPSKATE BLA BLA BLA *CHOKES ON MCDONALDS AND IGNORANCE*" 

And the ones that would love to pay $1, $10 heck even $30 for your games, but we CAN'T HERE, because sucks at paying with anything but dollars. At lot of us around the world don't have access to pay through dollars.


A lot of the people wanting it for free aren't saying it's because they're in a different country.

(2 edits) (+3)(-3)


It's not as scary as the first. But it's a decent game

Thank you very much!
Glad to hear you think this one's decent.  :)

hes a meany, not sure if i got all the endings but here it is

Indeed he is.  :)
Thanks for playing, I appreciate it!

Amazing!! He really came more aggressive this time!!

Thank you for playing!

Please, Check this out :

Gave the game a Let's Play, was hoping for more from this sequel since it more or less is the same as the first game, but with less to do, but more places to hide/bigger house a bit. Still, not a bad game. 


Thank you for playing!
Apologies that it didn't exactly meet your expectations, but I'm glad that all in all, you still think it's a decent game.  :)


stop being a bunch of babies its just 1 dollar

i really wanna try ut i dont have the alowance to download things on the school computerrrr


You probably shouldn't even be trying to. Don't get trouble trying to play a game.

Zed is back with a new game and I downloaded it so fast I forgot to comment about it. 

I was surprised to see that you made a part 2 to this, and I'm surprised I had to pay for it. I will say this, I will gladly pay for your games zed. You've given out fun games for free, so it's literally the least I can do, as well as the rest of your fans. I hope this money helps you, along with making bigger games my friend.

Now onto the game itself. Concept wise, it's like the last one of course, read the book and figure out how to hide. simple. This time the pages are scattered, so I made thicc mama rabbit run around the area collecting pages like slender man, except his cousin from michigan is after you. Simple and done, the game was over and I got the best ending, so I loved that.

Now most importantly, the story. I was hella surprised to see that this game takes place 20+ years after the first. I loved that fact that Junior is grown up and is working at Stahl and co shipping company from "antiques and antiquities", I love that mama rabbit hasn't even aged in her years, she still fine, and I love that Junior has a kid named Audrey, it's pretty nostalgic to the first game. We also get an amazing cameo from J.P. GOATmander from his game too. Plus that bathtub from the first game stayed as well, how sweet.

Still, I'm really surprised that its 20+ years into the future, where most of your games take places in. I assume that everyone we've played as so far lives within a similar area or story, so it's always cool to see them interacting with each other. It's nice to see junior and his family having a nicer place to live compared to how it was all those years ago. It sucks to know that the man has been chasing them for all those years, I feel so bad for them, but it's amazing to know that they've been protecting the town from him by being the only ones he's chased for so long, at least I hope that's the case.

Anyways, another solid game from you Zed. it's cool to see you come around back the first game after everything you've made so far. I hope to see a game surrounding Bartleby's bakery, because I feel like you had something for that in "The more bit know Zero" as a concept for it's 2nd game, at least that's what I remembered. Anywho keep it up, I look forward to the next.

(1 edit)

Here's an interesting fact that I will constantly spread. Mama Rabbit's retirement certificate references a bakery. Said bakery is actually from two deleted games. I think you know its prequel as The Bit More Know Zero. The first game had nothing to do with it (yet) whilst the second game takes place to where she worked. Said sequel also feels like the precursor to Beware the Shadowcatcher. You might think I may be lying, but I currently have both games with me. If I have time, I would send a video link for the second deleted game. (I'm not playing the 1st one. Too terrifying for me lol)

Why do i bring it up? Well, because if we took account to the games being in the same universe, it all dates back to his very first game.


Hey, thanks for taking the time to write down such a detailed summary of your thoughts on the game! I enjoyed reading it all, and it's always nice to see someone invested in my storytelling.

I appreciate the support as well!
I'd like to continue on making bigger and better games, and every bit I received will help me achieve that goal.
So thank you very, very much for purchasing the game!  :)


can I have it for free


Why dont you stop being cheap. Its $1. Support a game developer.


I'm from Russia and I can not pay at all due to sunctions. 


not everyone on earth is american


You should put the game on steam since it costs money


Do you know how much money it costs to put on steam?


Yeah, its $100 + they take 30% cut. Itch lets you decide the cut


It was rhetorical. I was saying that cause where is he supposed to get 100 dollars if he releases all of his games for free? But thank you for actually answering.

Deleted 1 year ago

For the foreseeable future, I'd prefer to stay here on Itch.
Unfortunately, a fair amount of people are unable to access the game due to not using USD.
However, this cannot be helped for right now.

W GAME!! Can’t wait for the next one, and I really suggest having a part where you can see the man’s whole body. That’ll be pretty sick 😂


I appreciate you playing the game, and I appreciate the suggestion as well.  :)


I have completed 2 endings. Is there third one? And when will the part 3 be released?


Thank you for playing!  :)


can there be a free demo for the 2nd game?


the game is rather short. i dont think a demo is needed.


Apologies, but as the other reply stated, this game isn't really long enough to warrant a demo!


ok i guess that thats true

I liked this one, but I feel like it is missing a lot of stuff that the first one had. I liked how you had to lock the doors and put the couch in front of the door and open the donuts in the first Man From The Window. I feel like this one could of been better, but I did enjoy it. I hope you make a third one and make it bigger and more in depth. I have 2 questions if you could answer them. There is a big time jump in between TMFTW 1 and TMFTW 2. Did The Man From The Window 1 take place a long time before all your other games or is the second The Man From The Window take place a lot of years after your other games like Midnight Maidnight? The second question I had was, how do you know what ending is cannon for all your games? Is it just the best ending where everyone lives? It would be cool to have some of your characters to get killed by the monsters be cannon so it is intense. So if a character you like dies it would actually be sad because it is actually cannon. If you read this thank you! I made my video of this game but I have not uploaded it yet! :)


Glad you liked this one despite the fact it missed the mark!
That's how it goes when you try something different, sometimes it pans out and sometimes it doesn't.
Thanks for playing.

Regarding your questions, I can't just explain everything!
There's no fun in that.  :)


Thank you, and thanks for playing!  :)

This took something big braining to beat

This game low key took some big braining to beat


Glad you managed to beat it in the end.
Thanks for playing!

I've never pressed download so fast! This was very different to the first, you had to really pay attention to detail! It was sweet to see Junior and mama rabbit all grown up.

Still creeped me out, and especially leaving the apartment to go get the missing page! Great game! <3
Here is my video: 

Thank you for playing!  :)

This is an AWESOME sequel to those who have played the first and a great start to those who didn't! I love the new task of finding the pages of the book before you actually even start the process! I would've liked to have seen The Man From The Window stalking us (unless I missed it). It would've been nice to see him from the rabbit's POV! Other than that, this game was amazing!

Thank you very much for playing!
I'm glad to hear you liked this one, and I appreciate the feedback as well.

Thank you once again.  :)


bro you could get free voise acting from fusionZgamer


I played all the previous games that you had for free I will make an episode

playing this game and soon you can reach out to me so reply to this message

I love this game !

Thank you for playing!  :)

(1 edit)

Just got back from playing the game. my goodness me, he has outdone himself yet again. Interesting game. BUT at least now it confirms my one Youtube comment about the first game and how mama rabbit has a correlation to that bakery from TBMK 2. So she worked there. interesting. I can't wait for what the rework/remaster of your TBMK games. And like before, I will eventually record the old games when I have true leisure of my time :D. Hope my $1 can help you for your next development cycle.  And with luck, maybe I can be one of the first to playtest lol.

No Cap:

I saw my email filled with a notification that you released a new game. I quickly bolted to my phone to pay XD

Thank you very, very much!
I appreciate the support greatly, and it's extremely nice to see someone invested in the overarching story!

Thanks again.




heya zed, your games are very fun but making this to make us pay 1$ for a spoopy indie game just made me sad :( (also because always enjoyed your free games, so, yea >-<)


Do you realize how much work goes into making a game? It's a dollar after several games.


i know, but the thing is that Zed always released games for free and it's the first time i see this one with a price :/ (so, yea)


So help a hard working charitable man get himself a fancy dinner or something.

Sadly can't, because no money, so :S


Nooo i wanted to play this game but I don't have money!! whyyyy ;-


Ask your dad or mom


My apologies for having to put a price tag on this one.
While I would prefer using my previous "donations only" method, said donations had mostly dried up.
And I cannot continue to make games if I have no funds to work with, so it had to be done.

Once again, my apologies, and I hope your own situation improves soon!

This is exactly what I feared was happening. I'm sorry to hear that hopefully things will improve on itch and everyone can be happy here.

Awesome game as always!

Thank you!
Thanks for playing, as well.

Awesome game! I always look forward to another Zed_Technician game! Keep up the good work, buddy!

Thank you very much!
I'll do my best.  :)

(1 edit)


so i was pleasantly surprised that you made a sequel Zed didn't expect that, i really loved the art style as always it makes you unique to any other dev out there, the story telling is always a plus! i loved the fact you incorporated the old characters all grown up i love long form story telling, but i cant help but feel this game lacked what made the original so popular, taking away the time management made the game way to easy and it just didn't feel as unique as the first, i loved the fact that we had traverse the house looking for stuff to prevent the man finding us in that 5 minutes, but now with this one although it says he has five minutes to look for you, if you hide somewhere he doesn't look he will leave 2 minutes after he shows up, i do want to mention though i did enjoy the blinds part that was a nice touch, i love your games zed and i honestly am one of your biggest fans and you deserve nothing more than to be picked up by some gaming company to make amazing projects. but i just felt you missed the mark with this one, the whole reason it was popular was because of the mechanic and now that it has been stripped of that it didn't feel the same, also it would of been nice to see the man like the previous game but yea like i said everything else from animations, story etc i absolutely loved i just felt gameplay wise without the mechanic this felt very bare! thanks for your time dude! 

gameplay above hope you enjoy 

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback as well!
Changing things up is always a bit of a gamble.
Sometimes the changes pan out, and sometimes they don't.  :)

i am probably abit picky because fair play the feed back seems brilliant! and honestly like i said i appreciate everything you do, your one of those devs that always puts 100% into your projects, they are always unique and with great dialog and unique mechanics, and im always buzzed as soon as you upload a new game!

Very fun!!


All right, that's great to hear!
Glad you had fun with it, thanks for playing.

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