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i wish i could find one for free :<

Once again you made a great game and once again i played and recorded it. Keep up the work. I really mean it, these game are great.


Hey again, thanks for playing!
I appreciate it very much.  :)


AN AMAZING SEQUEL! can't wait for the third game...🤫🤫

Thank you very much, and thanks for playing!

It was a well made sequel! Adding to the series in a nice way and also evolving the gameplay more. Even really liked how The Man wasn't waiting around to stop for locks, he REALLY wants a friend. 

The only thing I would say that is this one wasn't as 'hard' as the first game. The first game had a sense of urgency to it and the player had to think outside the box, this one, though still is a good game, feels too easy.

 Even on the first try, though the time is just enough, doesn't feel like the player is panicking or trying to figure out what the things are.

 I would maybe add different ways of barricading or funnelling The Man or use distractions to reduce his time, giving players options like that would make it more challenging and I think more in line of how this game is supposed to feel.  Maybe different distractions or funnelling methods work well with certain hiding spots which increase or decrease time for The Man would be a cool lateral way of evolving the series!

(Also The Man didn't even stay for five minutes which is so sad.)

But other than that, I think it was still a fantastic game and well done! Keep up the great work and good luck for future projects!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for such detailed feedback, it is very appreciated!
Apologies that the game was too easy for your liking, but I'm glad that you still liked the game despite that issue.
Thanks for playing.

я нажимаю оплатить а там НИЧЕГО НЕТ!!!!!😢😒😢👍😢

I really the concept of this game. Just gotta read where to hide and you'll fine right??


Thanks for playing!

Great improvements! I played both 1 and 2 back to back. Both were well done!! The blinds were a great addition, but I miss the donuts!

Keep it up!!

Thank you very much for playing both games, I appreciate it.  :)

I appreciate this kind of work! I rated the game passed on both difficulties! I'm satisfied! Keep it up!

p.s. forgive the author for the fact that I wrote bad things on Twitter for ignoring because of nationalities! I apologize!


Thank you very much, and thanks for playing as well.  :)

I enjoyed it as I have all your stuff, Glad to see Junior grew up well! haha

Thank you very much!
I appreciate you taking the time to play this one as well.

I really enjoyed the game, I think the first game was slightly better but I still think this game was a lot of fun.

Thank you for playing, glad you still had fun with it.  :)

Liked the first one a tad bit better but nonetheless still fire game!

Thanks for playing.  :)

Hey Zed are you making this game cost money for early access reasons meaning it will be free in the future or will it forever be 1$? It's okay if you wanna keep it at the 1$ fee


Thanks for the question!
Releasing "early-access" content is personally not my style, which means I have no plans of adding on to any of my existing projects.

Regarding the price tag, I did try to keep things at a "donations only" status for as long as I could.
However, donations had mostly dried up.
So in order to continue making games I've had to start charging.


I gave 1 dollar for it and they didn't give me the game




you can find the link to the purchase link in your emails or in your account section on itch io 


Ngl, Junior being a Father and all grown up had me tearing up, I do love the lore is all connected and that the Man is now just a slight inconvenience! Amazing game! 


can i have it for fre

I always love a Zed Technician game and this one is no different. It stays true to the original but takes a bit of a new twist on the night. Solid game as always. Worth the purchase.
Here's my playthrough:

Thank you very much, and thanks for playing as well.  :)

(1 edit)

I finally played this game and loved the concept I just wish there was more horror implemented into this, Regardless I'm excited for any future games coming! keep up the good work!! 

Thank you very much for playing, and I appreciate the feedback as well!


will there be a game released and free?


it cool

Thank you!

This was a pretty nice sequel to the first game. Gotta say I was shocked by the time skip. 

Thank you very much for calling this a nice sequel, I appreciate it!




(1 edit) (+8)(-1)

Everyone needs to chill with these make free comments this person has obviously put lots of work into this game and felt uncomfortable charging and is listening to his community and the wider internet that he should charge for his work and he made it a single dollar showing how uncomfortable they are with charging. If you don't want to buy it then don't but DO NOT be bringing this creator down. These are fun entertaining games that millions have enjoyed and we should support this person not drag them down and demand free stuff from them. 


Make it free!!!


What he said

 The Man From The Window 2Вышел Человек за Окном 2 // The Man From The Window 2

О, топси


please make free please


Is anyone thinking this should be free.


Bro really came back for that round 2 type shi-

but ngl he just wants friends :T

By Kidnapping them

(2 edits) (-6)

Are there only 4 endings? I don't want to buy this if I've already seen everything in the game...


i heard theres 4 endings one the mama bunny gets caught 2nd  aubrey gets caught/grandaughter 3rd good ending 4th a secret ending



Deleted 277 days ago

¡Gracias por jugar!

¡Tus juegos son increibles!


I played the game, this is the most fun I had ever had in a game it’s better than the first game and the 1 dollar was worth it

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)(-6)

this game is cool but i dont have monye to buy it so you can let it free plzzz or elss i well take my big brother cridet card and buy the game when he know


now there is gonna be a second game? COOL!


I really don't get the complaining about the price. 1$ is literally nothing and those who "can't pay", I imagine, are either from Russia or other bunch of countries US dropped sanctions on but the rest 90% of the world should be able to pay with a credit card just fine? Am I missing something?

(1 edit) (+5)

Based on what I've seen, the biggest issue right now seems to be the fact that Itch doesn't allow any currency besides USD.
It's unfortunate, but that's how things pan out sometimes.
There's not much I can do about that at the moment.


I was under the impression that when paying with a credit card, the currency exchange will be handled by your payment network. For example, US dollar isn't the currency I keep my money in but I can still pay for any US based service that charges in $ just fine using a Visa.
It's kinda confusing to me how itch can enforce dollars only if it's out of their scope but I'm no expert in transactions by any means.


some people also don't have money to spend due to age and lack of credit card



Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

Seriously when I was like 13 I could tell my mom I'd take out all the trash and she did at least give me like a couple bucks for an online game.


Hello, I come from a Third World Country (won't say which though for the sake of privacy) and we do not have credit cards here. Thinking that they're available all around the world is a huge misconception. So try to see it from the pespective of these people. 🙂

That being said, the hate towards OP is unwarranted though. They shouldnt be blamed for something beyond their control.

I remember playing the first game and I gotta say I do enjoy the expanded lore and the addition of a casual playthrough and a hardcore! Loved it!

Hey, thank you for playing!  :)


The Secret at the end means the Zed_Technician Cinematic Universe is Confirmed


sadly i can't buy the game now, in the future i will probably do it

I watched a gameplay from Maxi_Joshua channel, but nice game like AAAA, your games are so perfect, the mecanism, the caracters, the references to the others game, i didn't expect to J.P. Vermander to appear AAA i love everything.

(i'm sorry if my english isn't very good)


Thank you!
I'm glad that you liked what you saw of the game.
And I hope your situation is able to improve soon, good luck!


Do you plan on updating "The Man from the Window 1" Junior and Mama Rabbit's models for the first game now that you made a tail for future Rabbit Characters?

This was a game that I enjoyed from start to finish by the way. It took me a few tries to beat Normal Mode though not as much as the first game. While I easily beat Tough Mode on my first try.


Good question!
I tend to stay away from those sort of updates.
Bug fixes? Of course. Content updates? No.
So no, I don't plan to go back and update 1.

Also, thank you for playing!

It's fine, you could always just use the old models for another game if you felt like it.

I've noticed that the Man is the closest thing you're series has to a main villain since he's the only character to return with his original personality remaining untouched, only ever changing up his strategy in an attempt to ensure a victory after his every failure to get what he wants.

It was nice to see these characters again and learn more about them. It's really weird seeing the Man's full body as I wasn't expect him to not have feet but it makes sense since they're out of sight in normal gameplay.

Regardless of what you do with these characters next and their role in a future game, I'll be excited to see what you have planned to make next. I hope you're enjoying the start of 2023 and I can't wait to see your future games later this year

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