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Зацените мое видео по этой игре, я из России - See my video about this game, i'm from Russia


Thank you for playing!

Amazing game but when I tap to try to switch characters when I wanna hide them it makes the character talk when I tap on them but overall an amazing game keep up the good work!


Glad you liked it!

My apologies for any issues you may have experienced with the game.

It's alright but you're welcome


The game is very interesting, it is also entertaining the atmosphere that it projects makes one get into the skin of the protagonists/

El juego es muy interesante, ademas es entretenido la atmosfera que este proyecta hace que uno se meta en la piel de las protagonistas


Thank you!

Deleted 174 days ago

Glad you liked it!

Thank you for playing.

Love this game liked the ending a lot!


I love this game so much but i cant play it im so sad ill figure out how to play it later love the game.


Glad to hear you like the game!

If you're having issues with the game, please be sure to let me know.

i cant open when i open windows security tells me not secure


I love your games !

Thank you very much!  :)


couldnt download it....

you can! it shows the tip incase u want to the button should be there


very great game!!!!!!!



honestly its a great game and i hope that you can find a way to kinda continue the shadow catcher series by adding a sequel to it but it could have a twist im no coder nor model designer and im honestly only 13 but i do have some ideas on what a sequel game could be like id be willing to work with you and would love to help give you some new ideas if you are interested then just reply and we can find a way to get into communication either by email or discord so i hope to hear back from you!  :)


While I appreciate the offer, I don't need any additional help right now.

Thanks, though!

oh no problem hit me up if you ever need  a new game idea id be glad to help welp until next time adios

I loved this game! The game has good gameplay and is great

Thank you!

Glad to hear you liked the game, and thanks for playing.  :)


Played this after "The Man From The Window" and "The Vermander's Curse", and I love your gamedev style (the characters, the animation style, the gameplay mechanics)! :)

I wonder one thing though: If a big part of society in your games are humanoid animals, doesn't that make the restaurant partially cannibalistic?

Thank you very much for your kind words, I appreciate them greatly.  :)

Also, no. This hasn't been explored in the games yet, but my reasoning is that the meats of this universe retain most of the same names, but come from various types of monsters and entities. 


The game is pretty awesome, but sometimes the Shadowcatcher enters through the main door without doing any footsteps sound, and I think that's a little bit unfair. Other than that, I really like this game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Glad to hear you liked the game, thanks for playing!  :)

Regarding your issue, I will say that there is a sound. However, my audio leveling skills leave much to be desired, so it's probably not loud enough. My apologies!


just finished the game, last night played "the man from the window" too! i loved both games, please continue making these games!

It's always nice to hear it while someone enjoys these games.  :)

Thanks for playing both, I appreciate it!  :)


Hello, just wanted to say your game is pretty damn cool. Do you plan on releasing your games onto steam?

Thank you very much!  :)

For right now I'd like to stay right here and show my support for Itch, as I quite like this site.
I don't know what the future holds, but for the foreseeable future there are no plans for Steam releases.  :)


This is the allegorical game. The shadow family represents the civilians immigrating to a new country for a happier life, while the Shadowcatcher represents the dark side of border control and xenophobic authorities that doesn't let people from their different land go, discriminating them. 

So, the Shadowcatcher is discriminating the family of shadow immigrants.



i cant place the plates and i dont know why

other wise this game is a masterpiece

(1 edit)

Are you talking about how to serve the food?
First you pick up a completed dish, then left-click on the person you want to give the food to!

If you want to know how to drop the plate, that's right-click.

Apologies if the instructions were too unclear.

please make an android version


I appreciate your interest in the game, but I'm not able to develop for mobile platforms at the moment.

I apologize, and sorry to disappoint!

(1 edit) (-1)

a 50% chances gamer use the phone and 20% gamer use computer and 1% gamer use their own controlled make the other version such as : andorid, ios, fire os, ps5, xbox 360, xbox and ps4 please it takes 72 hours


I enjoy your games a lot, this one felt more fleshed out and fun than the last one, i havent gotten to the second night yet but i will soon and then ill play your newest one! 

Glad you enjoyed this one too!  :)





Amazing game! I love it!

Glad you liked this one as well, thanks!  :)


honestly, it's a very entertaining and spooky game. i love all the games you make and i hope you keep making them, the graphics and the stories are unique.

Thank you so much!  :)

I definitely plan on making more games, hopefully I won't disappoint.


When one braincell is shared between two idiot who see big body animals, nothing can stop the Tonyous Brothers in the mission to feed the shadow people!

That's a very fun summary.  :)

Thanks for playing! 

(2 edits)

can you help me make a game Zed_technician Please?

I want to learn how to make game like yours and for everyone to enjoy it! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm glad these games have inspired you to want to make your own, but I'm really not a teacher.

Still, game development is very easy to get into nowadays, especially with how much knowledge is available out there.
If you're truly interested, I suggest starting out by watching Youtube tutorials on the basics of engines like Unity, Unreal, or maybe something entirely different.
You'll need to learn the basics first.

If you're still on board by that point, try practicing with pre-made assets until you're comfortable enough to start making your own.
It's all a very long process, and will take a lot of work. But it's very rewarding if you stick with it.

(2 edits)

Thank you for your suggestions! I will try Unity first. But just a question! Did you watch tutorials before you become a developer?

Have a nice day! :)

Yes, I did! Everything I currently know came from tutorials and a lot of trial and error.

Good luck!

(4 edits)

Thank you! :)

btw since unity is a lil expensive

i decided to try CryEngine and this happened.

(I dont know what this means,mind helping me understand?)


Sounds like your graphics card doesn't meet that engine's requirements.

Also, keep in mind that  you can use the Unity Personal version for free, as long as you don't make over 100k a year!


i really love this game! this could potentially have a continuing story and i really loved your game! no need to rush, but just a suggestion.

Thank you! There are still a lot more projects I plan on doing, and some will definitely be continuations.

I appreciate the suggestion.  :)


I absolutely love your games! I've seen Bijuu Mike play all of your games, so I wanted to give some a try! I'm excited for new games :D

Thank you! Glad to hear you liked what you saw of the games!

I'll do my best not to disappoint.  :)

i watch him too

can you make a free game like the man in the window but kreekcraft in yur moms house lol

That may be a little bit too much of a departure from what I normally do, I'm afraid.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.  :)


I really love your games, I can’t wait for more!!!

Thank you very much!

I appreciate the kind words.  :)

zed_technician can you make a game where you get to be the monster? and pls make it the demogorgon

I'll keep your suggestion in mind.

Thanks for stopping by.  :)

also this game was very fun

Deleted 256 days ago

Thank you!  :)


I had a lot of fun playing through this game, the whole concept works really well, I managed to get all the endings too which was fun, the man from the window game was brilliant as well so I had to play this one too, great job! :)


That's so nice to hear, I appreciate the kindness.  :)

Thanks for playing this one too, and congrats on beating the game! 



Thank you for playing!  :)

(1 edit) (+1)

What does the red star mean/do? (when you beat the game)

Edit: awesome game btw, I really liked it

Thanks! Glad to hear you liked this one.

The red star just means you've completed the good ending.  :)

oh, cool

(3 edits) (+3)

Im just in love with this game! On my pc does not crash, super simple commands, funny looking characters, the story makes sense and the graphics are very good!! The only thing I would change is the difficulty of night 3. As the shadow catcher may appear inside the kitchen, it makes much more difficult to make foods that need to be boiled like mac 'n cheese, lasagna and noodles. What makes it difficult is to know where it will appear, causing the player to have to hide always behind the fridges, which is the only place he doesn't see Maude. So I would make another place closer to the stove where she can hide and some visual or sound effect that warns where it will appears, for example the light flash 2 times when it appears in the kitchen and 3 times when it appears on the door. Other than that, the game is just perfect!! I'd like to congratulate you, Zed!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much!  :)

And I try my best to make sure these games are fair, so I'll definitely take your advice into account going forwards.


i love this game


Thank you very much.  :)

(1 edit) (+2)

coo l



is the story actually Connected to the man from the window?


Both games take place in the same world, but other than that there are no direct correlations right now.  :)


(1 edit) (+1)

bro this game is so awesome! by far my fav game. not to mention how cute the shadowcatcher is ;). can anyone get some pics of the shadow catcher by any chance? i rlly wanna draw him.


Thank you so much.  :)

I appreciate such kind words, truly!


I loved this game!


Thank you very much, that's wonderful to hear!  :)


this is scary

Thank you!  :)

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