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I cannot wait for the next game! reading some of the comments below I read you plan on it coming out by the end of this month, so here's hoping it will! ever since I saw The Man from the window and this game, I was hooked and am enjoying this game a lot

Thank you!
It's great to hear that you've enjoyed some of my projects.


the man from the WINDOW beware the shadowcatcher the zero to never know the vermander curse whats next these games are so god damn good


Thank you so much!
The kind words are very much appreciated.  :)


Bro you're legit soo underrated you make the best indie horror games that are creative. Big up to ya


Thank you, you're far too kind!  :)
I'll do my best to continue to improve and keep creating these projects.


When do you think ur next game will game come out?


I'm currently aiming for the end of this month!
So far everything's on track still, but we'll see.   :)




Wow! I really enjoyed this! Great characters, a unique style, and an awesome and unique gameplay loop (the gameplay is similar to The Man From The Window, but the enemy phase is really quick so it doesn't feel tedious). It's horror-themed, but it's super mild. Pretty much the only thing remotely scary in this game is the poor lighting (and one of your patients is a wolf which might look scary at first but he's totally chill). The game is also not very difficult- it's timed, but as long as you keep the doors open to everything except the lobby and the 3 rooms that are occupied by patients, you can finish each night in half the allotted time. Also, I absolutely loved that happy ending. What a great way to wrap up the story. Well done! Can't wait to see what's next :)


It's great to hear you've enjoyed this one.  :)

Thanks for playing!

This was my first time playing one of your games and honestly it was really interesting! This little world you're creating is really fun and I will definitely be playing your other titles. I was skeptical at first but really shattered that. Thanks for making games man. As for anyone else check out my playthrough here - 


Thank you very much!

Glad to hear you've enjoyed, and thanks for playing.  :)


Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Glad to hear it!

I'll do my best to keep it up.
Also, thanks for playing.


Just like with the last game "Beware the Shadowcatcher" I shall spend multiple hours experimenting and testing as much as I can

Btw I love the style of the characters, at first I was like "wow that's new" but now I've learned to absolutely love the design 

And I can't wait for more games

Btw Zed with every game you make I can assure you I shall spend many hours experimenting and testing whatever I can 

I kinda feel like a video game tester that doesn't get paid but if I'm being honest your games are like the only games I get really excited for, and I wouldn't want to get paid by you instead I'd pay you lmao 

Anyway im not sure if you have one or not but I have not donated to your patron or anything which if I'm being honest feels like a sin so hopefully in the near future I can support you and your future projects

You are easily 1 of my top 10 favorite game developers I can't wait for more games 

Alright I've been saying too much I have to get experimenting and ive been experimenting on "The bit more know zero" and I have found many interesting things I'll comment about on that game page so I'll update you guys on what I find if anything 


Your enthusiasm is unmatched! Just remember not to push yourself too hard, all right?
Whether in regards to this game, or anything else!

Either way, thanks for the compliment on being in your top 10.
Also, I don't have a Patreon.
And while donations are always appreciated, they are not necessary.
If someone can afford to donate, it's extremely appreciated.
If not, that's fine too. These games are free for a reason!

I gotta be honest, I loved this game. Short, sweet, to the point and has some solid tension at the beginning, because you don't know how much time you have to do everything. Once you get to the third set of things you have to do, it does feel like you have lots of time so the tension feels a little less. Idk why the killer shows up randomly either, he just kinda chills and watches me. No clue if he can kill me while I'm busy doing other things or not. I never did die to him stalking me down the halls and it did catch me off guard. The character models are pretty funny to me, and I'm not putting that as a negative, but I did laugh as I kept seeing new models show up. Overall, I really enjoy this game. I would've played it more for the good ending, but I just didn't have enough time to play it again. Good game, simple concept and story, lots of fun and it has some potential to be replayed, because you're probably gonna make some mistakes and screw up your first run. Almost guaranteed


It's great to hear that you liked the game!

Thank you so much, and thanks as well for playing.


Hi Zed! How is your current project going! No rush, I hope its going well!

Thanks for asking!

I had to take a bit of an unannounced break, but I'm back now!
And I'm definitely ready to get started again.
My current project is approximately halfway completed, and I aim to have it finished before the month's end.


Cool game here's a speedrun

Thanks for playing!


game idea for zed tenichain watch out for the phycopath


i just wish there was an linux icon


Amo el trabajo de esta persona y el  juego al igual que los demás que ha creado me hizo sentir miedo, en especial este por el hecho de que a partir de la última instrucción se puede ver al demonio merodeando el hospital, el simplemente verlo me hizo sentir un inmenso terror al no saber dónde aparecerá luego.

¡Muchas gracias!



I did not think I was going to enjoy it as much as I did but this really was a blast to play!! Thank you!!

 I got the Morton ending and the Good 3-star ending because I couldn't;t accept the fact that Morton's daughter would grow up without her rat dad!

Keep up the good work and stay safe!! 👍

(Subscribe and Like) - This is optional, Thank you😁


Thanks for playing!

Glad to hear you had some fun with the game.

Oii jogo incrivel !! estarei levando ao meu canal um conteudo diferente com este jogo!

Thank you for always developing very entertaining games. Keep it up.

Thank you very much!

That's very nice of you to say, and I'll try to do my best here.


Really great work again!

I'm a very big fan of your work...keep going and thank you so much!!!

No, I should be the one thanking you!  :)

It's great to hear you liked this one.

hi um i was wondering how to play the game also is it free?

Hey Zed are you willing to take requests for OC characters?

That Really Good Idea

The idea has been brought up before!

For right now, the answer is no.
In the future, however, that may change.
I'll be sure to let you know if I ever decide to.


this game is weirdly addicting! i watched that dude (jay from the kubz scouts) play it and i couldn't stop rewatching, it was just so interesting how it gets harder each time, having to deal with patients and cant to anything but listen to the person on the phone, definitely one of my favorite games ever!

That's wonderful to hear!  :)

Glad you liked the game as much as you did, and thank you.

When is next gameeeeeee

Unfortunately I've had some issues with my current project.

Which means that things are going to be very much delayed, but I'm doing my best to get back on track.

Another great game! Each one you make seems to build upon the previous one! It makes me excited to see what comes next!

I had fun attempting to voice act for all the characters, and it gave some entertaining results. You really seem to take the time to give your characters a personality, that effort really shows!

I will say that your games would probably have even more personality if you include voice acting or at the very least some music! Music can really help develop the atmosphere and set the tone for your world that you are creating.

I am looking forward to the next game! Good luck with your next project Zed!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for your comment, and thanks as well for the feedback!  :)

Glad to hear you liked the game, and I'll keep your advice in mind.
I'll also be sure to do my best on my future projects.

hey I'm brycen I thought of a game can you message me how you make games it's like the man from the window but it's called the man from the roof.

My man Zed, I'm a fan of horror games for about 17 years of my life and your style of horror has become my favorite one. It should definitely become a sub genre like Puppet Combo games did.

The fact that these are just characters with nothing exceptional about them besides their appearances trying to live their regular lives but supernatural shit gets in the way is exactly what I've been looking for years.

Your games don't try to be over the top like about 90% of the horror games out there. Your premise is simple, presented in a simple manner, with simple characters and just deep enough personalities so they don't feel like complete NPCs is a recipe that works better than most may think. It keeps me engaged exactly because of that!

I'll always follow and play all of your games but can you please tell me which ones have you inspired upon on making these? Or at least tell me other games that follow similar narrative as yours? I'm a huge horror game buff and I crave for more in the same vein as your games.

Thank you from the bottom of my millennial heart and cheers from Brazil! 🇧🇷


Thank you for your comment! You're very kind, and I appreciate it.  :)

My projects aren't based off of anyone else's, and I try to stay away from viewing the content other people make.
So I cannot give you any recommendations, sorry!

I thank you again for your very nice words.

Guess this is why they are so different. You're a crafter, mate.
Hope to see much more from you. Have an excellent weekend.


hi i was wondering how many stars you can get for beating the game over and over again


Hello, I have played your game (and won it) and I hope you continue to make games of this type, because I play every one of them (rip my space)

well that's all, have a nice day/afternoon/night ^◡^

First of all, thank you very much for playing!

I definitely have more projects that I plan to work on, so hopefully you'll stick around for those.  :)
You have a good day/night as well.

No problem!

Well yes, I will play them, I just hope my storage holds up.


I really enjoy the game , so far your games are really fun. I love how you really have to think and observe your options to beat the game. This one was stressful but was really fun.

Game begins 16:46

Thank you for playing both games!

I appreciate it very much.  :)

(1 edit)

Played the game (and beat it), but I have a question; why is there little to no music in your games? Don't get me wrong; the ambience is great, but a bit of music wouldn't hurt.

Also plan on making models for this game too. Already have finished up Morton, and am working on Eda right now. 

First, thanks for playing!

As for your question, I did compose some music for my early projects.
However these recent projects don't contain any, and that's intentional.


pretty awesome game! There's definitely a lot of improvement from your first games, and the story is sweet! the characters have nice personalities even though we've only known them for a short amount of time, and you feel for them. The good ending is super sweet, and it was actually pretty challenging!

Thank you very much for this extremely generous comment!  :)

I hope to be able to continue to improve.


i love your games but the problem is that i play on phone and i cant play your games so please make a mobile version, thank you.

I apologize, but I am not able to develop for mobile platforms at this moment.
Sorry to disappoint.

Thank you for asking nicely, by the way. I appreciate it.
And again, my apologies.


Hi! I really love these games and show high interest in them! But I was wondering if you could teach me how to make games like you do? I've always wanted to learn.

Glad to hear you like the games!

I'll be the first to tell you, I'm no teacher.
What I can do, however, is give you some advice on how to get started.
I suggest picking an engine like Unity or Unreal, and then begin by using tutorials to learn the basics.
Once you have the basics down, try using pre-made assets until you're comfortable enough to start making your own game assets.
It's a long and difficult journey, sure. But if I can do it then anyone can!

Can you recommend any tutorials which helped you learn?

I apologize, but it's been a while since I started this little game development journey.
I can't remember exactly what tutorials I used, and even if I could, I'm sure the information is long outdated.


I have to say, your games are really well made! The visuals, the models, the sounds, everything is so good! Though, I can't really take them seriously because of the badonkers every female character has in the games.


It's very nice of you to call these games well made!

Thanks,  I appreciate it.  :)

No problem, keep up the good work! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

I love your games! big improvement from the man in the window :) Had a lot of fun playing! Heres my playthrough


Thank you very much! It's nice to hear you had fun with this one. 

I do my best to improve, and hopefully I'll be able to keep getting better at all this.  :)


Hey! bro you create cool games and I really like it so I wish you all the best and more money :)

Thank you very much.  :)


Hi i really love your game, i was playing it with a friend and it was awesome! 

I love the story and the characters, Really impressive just like your other games! 

But just one thing, i found a bug; when a candle appeared under a TV i could not reach it or blow it out no matter what i tried to do, i do not remember the room number. 

Thats it, hope you make more games!

First of all, thank you! I really appreciate such kind words.  :)

As far as not being able to reach the candle goes, I think I know which one you're talking about.
You can crouch in this game, which helps reach certain spots.
I'm pretty sure I put that in the controls section, but knowing me I may have forgotten!
Apologies for the confusion.

oh i didnt see it, i never acctually check the controls 😅

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

susmandor is gay confirmed?


I loved your game! for an indie developer you are very good at this! I hope you continue creating more games like this!

Thank you! You kind words are very appreciated.  :)

I'll do my best to improve, and hopefully I won't disappoint.


I have to admit when I walked out of 3-A and got a face full of demon man I almost screamed. 




Love the game Zed,  I was too scared to play alone and had to get my 2 sisters to sit next to me so i can play lol, it was fun especially with the multiple endings. :) 


A little moral support can go a long way!
Glad you managed to make it though the game.

Thanks for playing.  :)

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