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So i really really enjoyed this despite it maybe not being as challenging as other zed games i have played, one of the biggest things i like about his games is the fact that they are so story driven and dialog is so good! its like a visual novel but in an actual game and i love it and the characters! but yea enjoyed this alot! gameplay above hope you guys enjoy i got all the endings also 

Thanks for playing!
I appreciate the kind words about the game.  :)

Muy buen juego pero creo que este sera el ultimo que juegue tuyo porque ultimamente tienes una tendencia a ponerles muchisimo dialogos al punto que es mas dialogo que videojuego

En general son muy buenos juegos pero para alguien que no tiene el idioma ingles dominado se vuelve tedioso traducir tanto texto en ingles

Pido disculpas por la dificultad que ha supuesto la traducción del juego.

Si tienes que dejar de jugar por esto, te pido disculpas.

Os agradezco mucho que hayáis jugado.

me encantan tus juegos la verdad son muy divertidos, pero no los puedo seguir jugando debido a los dialogos sigue con el buen trabajo porque realmente tienes talento para esto, por ejemplo los juegos de "the mand from the window" y a "bit more know zero" son tus mejores trabajos debido a que tienen la combinacion perfecta entre dialogo y gameplay lo que hace que se pueda hacer un muy buen video 

Pero en cambio con los ultimos he notado que agregas mucho dialogo si bien esta interesante por el lore algunas veces los juegos son mas dialogo que gameplay por ejemplo en "Midnight maid night" cada 5 minutos te estan interrupiendo para meterte 15 dialogos a tal punto que te saca del juego

tus juegos son 10/10 pero piensa mas en el gameplay un saludo ❤️👍

Amazing game, cool concept! Apologize in advance for the scuffed quality, on a laptop for the time being!

Thank you very much for playing, I appreciate it.  :)


Also, thanks for playing!

This game was kind of a letdown. The gameplay was boring, and the scares were corny BUT! the story was good.

Thank you for the feedback, hopefully the next project will be an improvement.
Still, it's nice to hear you've liked the story.
Thank you for playing!


You know its not to often that a creator will be this kind in response to  partially negative comments. This is why you are my favorite game creator.

This was so much fun. Well worth a playthrough for anybody.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Thanks for playing.

Fun game!!

Thank you!!


ok, i just got done with my first run but i couldn't control myself and not come here to comment on how much i am loving this game. Zed has definately improved so much in only a couple months and i'm so proud of them for that. I love to see egyptian mythlogy here and Sehkmet as she is one of my favorite gods. You need to have a wide eye open for the threats that may kill your partners as some of them hide very well!

this one has definately a soft spot in my heart and probably will be there until Zed makes another masterpiece as usually!

ps: if you ever put egyptian mythlogy in a game again i would love to see Seth and Horus! <3 

keep up the good work, Zed :D

(1 edit)

Thank you very much!
This is an extremely generous comment, and I appreciate the kindness greatly.
Thank you very much for playing. I'll be sure to keep your suggestion in mind.  :)

It's true, you are a very talented creator!


This was a lot of fun! Fun characters and nice a progression of challenge.


Thank you!  :)


I played and it was a good game. Good job as always Zed. I can imagine a "custom mode" in this could be like: Setting which characters can show up especially the one on the camera and set how often they'll appear especially the one in the room and the goal is to find all 7 artifacts in one go without getting caught.

I only just saying by the way. It just something I imagine after I finished playing this game.


Thanks for playing, I appreciate it as well as the feedback.  :)

Your welcome and keep up the good work.


This was an enjoyable experience I like how your games are in a shared universe and the games are connected in some sort of way I like when games do that its awesome


Thank you so very much!  :)

cool game here's a speedrun


Thanks for playing!

Another great game! I look forward to whenever you put one of these out!

Glad to hear it!
Hope to see you next time as well.  :)
Thanks for playing.


Why are all the women so big


That's how he likes his women.

I’ll download this when I got back from the college.

(2 edits)

hey! sorry, i encountered a bug during gameplay where i think i tried to talk to faye twice after getting the third or fourth artifact, and there was nothing in the textbox, i had to close the game after that beclaws it camera locked me-

but im really loving the game so far! thank yew fur being so receptive to the bug reports, i hope it doesnt diminish your confidence or anything as a game dev, and i hope yew hav a nice day :3

edit: i think it has to do with her dialog being exhausted maybe? closing the game and opening it again and trying to talk to her still makes the same thing happen.

edit 2: camera lock, not softlock- thanks fur correcting mee


this is a camera lock

(1 edit)

Have you downloaded the new version of the game?
I believe I've fixed this issue already, but if the problem still persists, please let me know.

yea, i have- i tried switching two version 4 with the itch launcher two make sure  im on the most recent version of the gaem, but it still happens.


I apologize for not getting back with you before now.
Suddenly disappearing when a player is having an issue is not something I ever want to do, but for reasons I won't go into I was unavailable for a short bit.
Very sorry about that, it's poor form on my part and not something I wish to repeat.

I'm sure you've moved on to something else by now, but I think I know what happened.
I plan to fix the issue and upload the patch as soon as I get the chance.
Once again, apologies for all the problems.


As I said before, you've most likely moved on to something else.
However, I should still mention that I believe I've fixed the issue finally.
It's a shame it took me this long to figure out the problem, and for that I once again apologize.

I know your experience with the game hasn't been the best due to all the issues, (especially given how long it took to fix,) but I do hope you'll come back again one day.
Hopefully the next project won't have such big problems.

hey, its alright! thanks fur being so receptive to the feedback and such- i still really really enjoyed the game even with the bugs i encountered- ill hav to replay it again with the fix ehehe
i really like yewr games and look furward two meowre whenefur- i hope yew have a nyaice day and take care of yewrself!!
(sorry for the late reply too, i deal with chronic pain and fatigue so sometimes replying is exhausting ;w;)

the end


Thanks for playing!



You're too kind!
Thank you.


What happened to the bit more know 1 and 2?

I replied to your question over on Midnight Maid Night's page.  :)

sorry to say but the settings bug is still there.

I'm glad you were here to tell me that!
Thanks to you, I was able to find the real issue.
Thank you very much.

I'm glad to help, I love your games!

Really cool game



(1 edit)

this was a very nice game,its short but fun.
also i have seem to ran across an issue when trying to go fullscreen, after turning it on i couldnt get out of the settings menu, it wasnt frozen, the back button just didn't work, it worked after I restarted the game,  didn't run into any other issues, so i believe it was just that.

Apologies for the issue!
That bug has since been patched, but I'm glad you were able to play the game despite it.
Thank you very much for playing.  :)

Another gem of a game, Zed! Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much.  :)


The scariest part of this game is when you look up and see your hair.


Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

I enjoyed the change in the game mechanic for this game as compared to the previous games that Zed_Technician  made. I was actually confused at the start where I was wondering why the character in the video camera not investigating the scene when she enters the room and then after making the character run around for 5-10mins, I realised that I needed to press the video camera twice for the character to investigate the room XD. 

I really liked the idea of avoiding monsters while getting to the room with the artifact as it requires a little bit of observation. I was quite paranoid about the monsters switching positions as I was moving the character around since its is quite possible for them to shift positions everytime I move the character. (I am glad that they didn't move)

I am assuming that there could be a possible sequel to the game since the main character hasn't been tasked with entering the horrifying warehouse XD. As per normal, I will be looking forward to the games that you make in the future :). 

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.


Thank you for playing, as always!
I apologize for the confusion at the start, but I'm glad you were able to make it through.
Thanks again!

Can you translate your games in french please ?

I finished all your games on videos but it's very long for me to translate 

I apologize for the language barrier issues.
It's an honor that you've played all my games, and I thank you for playing.
But I do not know French, and I would have to use a translator instead.
A translator would not be able to accurately translate the dialog.
I'm very sorry.

When i finish my translation i can give mine if you want, so you can add french and touch the french community with you game

A new title, and for the Halloween. Good work mate!

Thank you!

Sweet a new one already, Happy Halloween Zed :)

Thank you very much.  :)

(1 edit)

Hey Zed-senpai. I seem to have run into a bug. When I get into the settings screen,  the "Back" button doesn't do anything.

Even when I change things around and even when I restart the game and dont touch anything, it doesn't do jack. Not even Esc works. 

Plus since you have a bounding box into the game, I cant even close it down, i have to press the Windows Key to unfocus the screen and then click the X

And before you ask, the version I downloaded was from roughly one hour ago from this comment so you can see it's already the one you updated from the comment below.

Apologies for the issues!
After looking into things and receiving feedback, I was able to locate and patch the actual problem.
Again, very sorry that you had to experience such a game-breaking bug.
I'll try to do better for the next one.

No biggie my friend! I was actually waiting for it to get patched so I could play the game without any seemingly issues. 

Programming is impossible to have something 100% bug free. Only soulless people think it is. There's always a way to break something.

YES A new one. Will try it soon. Thanks for the new game, Zed the legend

I enjoyed this one a lot. Great work, Zed.


good game love the different game play element.

Thank you!

oh one more question, how many endings are there? so far i got two

Sensational! Another incredible game with references from other games linking the history of other games. Gameplay very different from others. If there's another one in development, I'll be looking forward to it.
(1 edit)

Thank you very much!
Regarding your question, there are two endings.


yey thats new game



Already liking it! The characters had me glued to the screen.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

If you know what I mean

Edit: Just got the ending that awarded me with a purple star. Any other endings like the Vermander Curse when you get 3 stars?

(3 edits)

So there's an issue where Gracie either doesn't move in the direction I press or she'll move around even if I'm not touching any of the arrow keys.

Ok so when I click the settings menu and I try to go back to the main menu it doesnt respond


Apologies for the issue!
I'm attempting a patch/workaround for this right now.
It should be up shortly.

Ok so I played the old version entirely before I read this. Pressing new game was fine but it was the settings and controls that were messing up. However I will download this version and just test it out and let you know. Unless someone else has already done that lol.

K well it seems to work now. Awesome game btw I had so much fun.

(1 edit) (+2)

I've uploaded a new version, so you'll have to redownload it.
I think the problem has been fixed? I haven't experienced anything like this before, and everything works on my end, so I'm not 100% certain what's going on here.
If it's still giving you issues, be sure to let me know so I can try to solve this.
And again, I'm very sorry that you had to experience a problem like this.

(1 edit)

hey, sorry two bug yew- im having the same purroblem, with both the controls and settings buttons on the main menu ;w; i dunno if it makes any diffurrence, but im playin on the itch launcher- i tried using the "switch to another version" button, but it didnt seem two fix the issue?

edit: starting a new game, and going to the main menu fixes this, i think?

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