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This is one of the first horror games of this kind I've played and I had a ton of fun with it! Thank you for making it :)

Glad to hear that you had fun with this one.
Thanks for playing!

This game made me erect 


Played your game the other day and enjoyed it! If I had a job having me work through alerts like that I would want to get fired lol. Liked the concept, didn't know how long this game was until a few rounds had passed lol. Also the main character was THICK.

Thanks for playing!


Thank you for making this game~ ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

the bug fix #2 is still happen to me

i ran out of time during the ending cutscene and it caused the both ending and the game over cutscene to play simultaneously.

Apologies for the issue!

There's a chance that you may be playing an earlier version of the game from before the update.
If I may ask, when did you download the game?

(1 edit)

oh yeah sorry i just realized i download this game when it got released, but i didnt play it before the bug fix


Couldn't have said it better myself.
Thanks for playing!



Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

is there another ending ?? what happened if i finished the batch ?? my ending got fired of the job lol

Yes, finishing the game does have it's own ending!
Still, thank you for playing.  :)

game was crazy amazing

Thank you very much for playing!  :)


Your use of poc in your games is AMAZING, and it makes me SO HAPPY.


Thank you!

Another BANGER! I can see improvements with each game keep it up!

Thank you very much!
Being able to consistently improve is one of my goals, so it's good to know things are going in the right direction.
Also, thanks for playing.  :)

Pretty fun as always, good work :)


Thank you very much for playing.  :)

good game dude i enjoyed it! 

Thanks for playing!

Good game



Awesome work as always. The monotony of working, but the added pressure of some really cool monster trying to break in. Also, I loved Sammy.

Thank you very much!  :)

Nice game, but i think the job was more stressful then the monster xD

Thank you.  :)
Thanks for playing as well!

This was a good game i somehow managed to not get killed but got fired lol keep up the good work and i hope that you enjoy the gameplay

Is there way to put his game on fullscreen mode bc every time I open it,It's not maximized

You have full screen option in settings and you have to turn it on in order to put game on full screen

Omg ur right how did I not remember that,It's prob bc I was trying to play the game at 3:00am lol.

Thank u so much for ur help.

Good game. Congrats!

Thank you very much!

Im not sure whats more TERRIFYING..? The fact that someone is going around my house unlocking all the window's, or being stuck at work doing inventory. CHECK OUT MY GAMEPLAY HERE


Thanks for playing!

Hey Zed! Great game once again! I also wanted to ask if it was okay to post some suggests for future games in terms of gameplay and other aspects? If you arent looking for that sort of feed back, i understand! I just wanted to make sure it was okay before i posted anything. Either way, keep up the awesome work! 

Feedback on how to improve the games is always appreciated.  :)

Thank you for clarifying! 

I'll try to keep this brief. Firstly, to expand on what i said over on twitter a few days ago, I'm a big fan of your games and would love to see more of the world you've created. I think that developing longer games that will give fans a better look into your world, with more engaging gameplay and multiple story paths/endings would do well to maintain player engagement beyond the initial release period of your games. On a side note, your games are the perfect length for a let's play episode, which i think may contribute to why engagement falls off shortly after release.

Secondly, your character designs are a major draw for people, especially artists. Fan art is a HUGE driving force behind the popularity of games and other IPs. To further engage the artist community, you could occasionally use more varied body types while still keeping the appealing qualities intact (The thiccness). This could generate more fanart and artist involvement. Additionally, providing adjustable lighting options in game to allow artist a better look at the characters, or character reference sheets in your games would greatly benefit artists and fans alike. Btw, i love Debora's design, shes very cute! 

Lastly, I want to encourage you not to hesitate in charging for your games. Your hard work, fun gameplay, and excellent character designs deserve compensation. Don't assume that free distribution is the only way to gain engagement. You deserve to be rewarded for your efforts.

Sorry if that was a little long winded, i want to also clarify again i absolutely LOVE your games and characters. Please keep up the great work, i look forward to your next title! 


Thanks for playing!

Amazing game as always, Zed!

Just want to make sure: Can anyone confirm if there are only 2 stars in the game or is there an elusive 3rd star that I still need to get?

Thanks for playing, I appreciate it!
Apologies for the late response, but yes.
I can confirm that's it.  :)

Another masterpiece, Zed's games simplicity really hits the right spots, and even beeing so simple you can feel involved, in one word: Majestic

Thank you!
That's very nice of you to say.  :)

Great game!!! The silent jumpscares are crazy!!! For example, the entity hiding inside the storage closet, looking through the window, and standing in front of the second bedroom from the hall. 100/10!!!

huh?? what jumpscares? i never got to see them then and i dont know why, but yeah i never had any jumpscares or saw the entity at all. so thats a little disappointing....


Not a jumpscare, my bad. I was talking about the creepy grey monster randomly appearing around and inside the house.

Thank you, and thanks for playing.  :)

Somehow I missed this game. How. 
Another nice jewel from Zed
Thank you for the game

It's nice to hear that you liked this one!  :)

To be fair I'm not a good source, I liked most of them.

Man i never knew how HORRIFYING doing Inventory could be!!!

Thanks for playing.  :)

I had a marvelous time playing this game! Check it out here!

Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Thank you for playing.  :)

As usual, the nice game with a nice bbw.

But I wasted a lot of time to figure out how to close the glass door.

Thanks for playing!

Apologies for the confusion regarding the glass door.
I always try to make things as transparent as possible, but sometimes the instructions end up being unclear.


I was wondering when you were gonna post a new game. The night before you posted this one, I was actually thinking about you and when you would come back and it looks like it got willed into existence, so that's amazing. Once again, you have made another game that always keeps my heart racing, so I'm ready to talk about it once more.

Let's talk about characters first. I enjoy your usual designs for characters, a nice thicc lady, and this time it's someone who resembles some mythical creature, which I don't know about. I wanna say manticore, but I'm probably wrong. I like Deborah as a character, mostly because her attitude fits along a lot of the characters in your games. Basically the town which I assume it the exact same town that all the games take place is in, happens to be filled with hardworking people getting the worst possible scenario, and every time it happens they go "FUK WE BALL". It cracks me up every time. Even the broadcast warning had me go "aww shit here we go again. I'm just a regular hard working woman, working for a shady and terrible company, while woodland creature number 27 tries to kill me again." Still, it's always funny just to see that these characters are just willing to survive a long night just to earn another paycheck to keep the lights on in the house. I also like Sammy. He's a snake and a supportive one at that. Love the little guy.

Heading into gameplay, I like this new concept you pulled out, which is basically delivering online orders through a computer. I have a batch of orders and I basically need to process them in the computer has some woodland critter gets into the house. The gameplay reminds me of the Vermand Curse, where you basically do certain tasks to keep the monster away while doing something else on the side. Rather than waiting for a specific time to give medicine, I have to fill out orders before 6am. Btw during my first run, I wasn't sure if the monster would constantly keep trying to get into the house, but I was assured that the flickering lights would only cause change in things. At the end of the first run, I was able to survive, BUT I didn't complete my last order and got fired. BIG L. Still, like most of the games, as I progress, things get more harder as they go. 

I think the amount of time to complete everything to stop the lights from flickering is very generous, too generous if I might add. If you had added a hard mode, I would say just add more things to do and make the time to complete them even shorter. I counted about 10 flickers before I had failed, and I think that's a bit too generous in my opinion.

In terms of the horror factor, well goddamn you always keep my heart racing with some of your games. The monster is honestly terrifying. I hate the fact that you never get to see it fully because it's behind the window or door or it's too fast, but that's what makes it scary. Only catching a glimpse of your monsters is always so scary and the fact that you don't get to see it when it gets you is also scary too, but upsetting cause I don't get to see it all. 

Note: I would like to see a possible section for models to look at in future games cause I'm interested in what you make here.

Continuing. The fact that you never put music in games, just makes me more anxious. Instead I get some humming background noise which barely helps me at all. The shadow jumpscare during the final batch fucking got me, which was awesome because you barely add jumpscares, but it's nice to see once in a while. Like I said earlier, barely seeing the creature behind the window door, and while it's running was a nice touch as well.

Heading towards the future, I'm very curious as to what goes on within the companies that your characters work for. They always seem very sketchy and they basically have no moral for human rights, so maybe we'll see something there. I'm kinda hoping to play a game that takes place in a bigger area, like and office building or something because most of your games that place in a small area, except for Fish tale, which I did love.

Anyways Zed, another nice game, and I'm hoping for more good stuff from you. Take breaks, enjoy your work, and I'll be hoping to see you next time.

Your number #1 reviewer,


Yes, I am still here!
Glad to see you're still following along as well.

As always, thanks for the extremely detailed feedback.
I agree that the timer on the flicking might have been a bit too generous.
Getting the timings right on things is difficult at times, and I'd rather give the player more than enough time than not enough.

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Once again, a great game from the man who makes great characters. I wasn't expecting some snek to be with us but darn he is cute. Anyways, I believe there is a rather bizarre audio bug in the final batch where it uses the standard menu sound effects and nothing else. Also, hard to find a connection to this one with the other games, especially since (for the time being) i can't find any hints of it.

Great game nonetheless from the almighty zed_technician. Hope to see more from you in the future. Especially a certain radio character :D

(1 edit)

Thank you very much, and thanks for playing!  :)

Also, unless I'm reading things incorrectly, that "audio bug" is intended.
The computer sounds subtly switch up on the final phase.  ;)


Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Really liked this game! It was pretty hard until my silly brain realized oh, yeah. The lists are in alphabetical order hahaha. I still managed to mess up tho! The creature being in the house randomly really got me - I loved this a lot. It felt good to check everything off as 'safe'- also, love Sammy. :3


Glad you liked it.  :)
Thank you very much for playing, I appreciate it!

Wonderful Job, Zed! This Game Became one of my Favorites, I even made a Theory already! I Liked That It's Difficult, And Also, I Got A Big Scare When The Monster Came Walking In The Hallway! Regards, Zed.

Thank you!

(7 edits)

Lol well despite me be terrible at doing my job I had a marvelous time playing this game! Check it out here!

Glad you enjoyed!  :)
Thank you very much for playing.


Thanks for playing!

Just gave this a play. Enjoyed it, my nerves are up there now. I got to the end but not the best end, I'll leave that to Manlybadasshero as I'm sure he'll have this up in a few days with the best endings as uuuuusual.

Awesome stuff though, I'll post my own vidya when its up in a few days. Looking forward to your future games as well!

I gotta go calm down now.

Glad to hear that you enjoyed it!
Thanks for playing.

amazing game as always! Check out my gameplay!

Thanks for playing!

W game

Thank you.  :)

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