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Really loved this game! Keep going devs

This game was so weird but beautiful. I loved every moment of this, and the randomized locations makes it super replayable! Few things I would've liked to see, but still a great, fun time!

Thank you very much!
"Weird but beautiful" is one of the best compliments I can receive.

I went in expecting something completely different, and was absolutely amazed by how wonderful it was! Keep up the great work!

Enjoyable game! I liked how lighthearted the ending was loll 

Thank you very much, and thanks for playing!

good game i enjoyed

Thank you!

Awesome concept! I thought it was so fun to solve the puzzles and I appreciate that it's RNG as well! I enjoyed the detail on the multiple endings too!

Good game



No problem

Man, you're making the best horror games on this site. I can`t wait for your next game.

Thank you very much for the compliment!
I appreciate it, and apologies for the late response.

You don`t need to apologize man. It`s okay.

História Explicada com todos os finais

Something went wrong during the upstart of your game:

I restarted the computer and played the game [will be out on December 27, 2022].

Hope this helps.

hey Zed can i use the base of the charecters for a game im making for my freind i also really enjoy your games im not reusing the same  person im just wanted to ask  if i could remake it

This is a really fun game and I like how the horror formula got swapped a bit. Great puzzle as well. Keep it up.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.

Thank you very much.  :)

This was such a refreshing change of pace for a horror game! I enjoyed the puzzle and the hilarious ending!

Thank you very, very much!
Also, thanks for playing, as well.

There were several strings attached! I loved the humor, but I never got an explanation for the third eye...

Glad to hear that you liked the humor, and thanks for playing!

Assistam minha Gameplay diferenciada e comentem o que vocês acharam

Thank you for playing!

This game was fun and simple! I had a bit of trouble the first time, but the riddles make more sense after a while!

It's nice to hear that you were able to figure it out, and had some fun along the way as well.
Thanks for playing!

Thanks for making it!


Thanks for playing!

Not gonna lie you are by far one of my favourite devs on the amount of talent you have is crazy to be able to create this story, gameplay, concept, unique style etc in a week is mind blowing, it may of been a little shorter but it takes nothing away from this game, really fun and cant wait for the future projects you have in the works! gameplay above with all endings hope you enjoy 

Thanks for playing, and I appreciate the extremely kind compliment.  :)

Interesting game.

Thank you very much.  :)

Awesomse Game! I
Awesome Game! I loved playing it


I love this g
I love this game and the fact that is short 

Thank you!  :)
I'm happy to hear that you liked it.

I liked this one! Incredibly unique and fun experience! You totally have a thing for the bigger gals *wink*


Thank you.  :)


Thank you, and thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

I had a fun time with this game! It feels good to finally get around to playing one of your games. For a game made in a week it's a fun time! 
Also I had a pretty good laugh at the "bad" ending LOL

(1 edit)

Thanks for giving this one a try! I appreciate it.
It's great to hear that you've enjoyed it.

I'm not smart enough for this game. But after a while I figured out hehe. Anyway I thought it was great! The character you play as is awesome.

I appreciate the compliment!
Thanks for playing.  :)

Deleted post

Thank you!

Fun game! I enjoyed figuring out the clues all around the building, and the twist at the end was great! Never seen anything like that in a horror game before. Good job!

Nice to hear you've enjoyed this one, and thank you for playing.

how d u open the games

The game was short but the puzzles were fun!. 1 week has been enough to create this great game, good job!

Thank you!  :)

Short, but fun! Best wishes & hope to see more games from you in 2023~

Thank you very much!
I appreciate the well wishes, and I'll be sure to do my best.

The best main character for a game I have ever played as. Thank you for the game.

That's very nice of you to say, I appreciate it!
Thanks for playing.

First game I've played of yours and hope to play more when they come out! 

Thank you very much for giving one of my games a chance!
I appreciate it greatly.


Hell, ya was waiting for a cool new game of yours :)

Hopefully this one was able to meet your expectations!

Such a awesome Game. :) 4/5

(1 edit)

Thank you for the compliment!
And thanks for playing, as well.

the game is very fun !

Thank you!

Managed to make a walkthrough this game is amazing good job dev

Thank you for playing.  :)


Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

I loved the name and the horror experience. The mood and atmosphere of the game felt very tense and horrifying due to the lighting of the hotel as well as the time limit of 12 am. It felt as though anything could pop up and kill me while playing through the game due to the eerie silence and creepiness of the hotel. I liked the idea of the game, having the player go around looking for presents in the right rooms within a limited amount of time is intense and fun. The riddles were interesting and some of them were slightly more difficult to figure out then the rest. Overall, I enjoyed the horror game a lot and the addition of the Christmas Theme made it cool as well. I also liked the game mechanics of this game as it is quite interesting and different as compared to the games you made in the past. (The title of the game is quite fitting and good as well.)

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.


Thank you very much!  :)

Really cool! The atmosphere is creepy, and the ambience + sound effects really help make things creepy. Pleasantly challenging, too. Nice job!

Thank you very much!  :)

(1 edit)

This game is the best thing since sliced bread! Hilarious and also kinda spooky. Game #2 :)

Thanks for playing.  :)

(3 edits)

For a game made in a week. It's a good game. It's just drops you into it with no other person. just you and a random box telling you something random. It's gives that creepy vibe. compare to the others. It's more creepy then all the other games. Though I have question. Why is the answer to "The best thing since" is bread?


"The best thing since sliced bread" aka the idiom that came after bakers started selling sliced bread and it was a giant hit


Oh thank you for telling me. I was confused there.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for answering the question!
I appreciate the helpfulness very much.

Thank you very much, I appreciate the compliment!
And I'm glad to see that everything's been cleared up below.

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